10 Apr Sachee the Trendsetter of Fragrance and Flavour: Bharat Arora
Sachee Fragrances has been known for decades as a taste changer of fragrances and flavors in the country and for constantly experimenting and setting new trends in the fragrance industry. Bharat Arora, head of Sachee Fragrances, which supplies new fragrance tastes across the world, said in an exclusive conversation with ‘Sugandh India’ that the future of the agarbatti industry is bright, but it has to keep experimenting with new fragrance flavors and taste. He told that new fragrance trends are emerging. Nowadays, fragrance machines are being used in the hotel industry. These machines aromatize the whole environment. Earlier this was done with fragrance spray. Now through the machines, the whole environment gets fragrant with the desired aroma. He said that in a multi-religious multi cultural country like India, worship and festivals go on throughout the year. In such a situation, the future of the agarbatti industry is bright. Now its preference has increased among the youth as well. The industry should move fast in manufacturing of eco-friendly incense sticks, as the new generation does not go with chemical or harmful raw materials.

Mr. Bharat Arora – Director Sachee Fragrances
Sachee Fragrances was started in 1983 by Rakesh Arora. In conversation, Bharat Arora says that his father was known for bringing new trends in the world of fragrances. I too am walking on the path and foundation made by him. He told that his father was into trading first under the name Sachee Fragrance and then later started the production of chemicals and fragrances. Initially, fragrances were prepared for soap, incense sticks, tobacco and pan masala. Later he also got into the field of perfume.
Regarding the new trend going on in incense sticks, he said that there is a demand for new fragrances every day. These days there is a huge demand for the sweet fruity aroma and modern perfume like fragrances. Traditional fragrances like Champa, Jasmine, Bela, Gulab, Chandan are also in demand, as the same are used in worship and religious functions, but the youth wants new fragrances to freshen the house and mind. Not only incense sticks, people have started using scented candles as well. Thus, we are seeing that new markets are opening up in the fragrance market.

Regarding the challenges faced by the fragrance industry, he said that there are a large number of foreign companies in this industry, but we are better than them as Sachee itself is bringing new trends through its experiments. In this sense, Sachee is the trendsetter. We are always inventing new fragrances and provide fragrances that are better than the our foreign counterparts from France and Europe by using the latest state-of-the-art machines. Traditional knowledge leads to innovations on machines and we are ahead in quality too.
In response to a question, he said that many companies bring new trends. Many companies are making incense sticks from the by-products of the flowers, which are also eco-friendly. When companies make eco-friendly products, we also make fragrances in the same way. All the raw material we use comes under IFRA guidelines. Accordingly, all the products and raw materials of Sachee Fragrances come under IFRA guidelines and are eco-friendly.
He said that incense sticks have a different fragrance for religious rituals, but for the freshness of the mind, there is a demand for different types of incense sticks. There is a demand for sweet caramel like and fruity aromas. Similarly, many flavors are being sought in hookah too, like fusion, mint, fruity, etc.
In response to a question, Bharat Arora said that the fragrance trends in the agarbatti industry keep changing. The new becomes old and the old is used to make a new one. Therefore, the agarbatti industry should continuously develop new fragrances. He said that agar wood is popular in Dubai while it is a product of India, but now it is coming back here. The reason for this is that a trend starts and after some time it comes back again. He said that the youth demands fragrance as per their taste. He said that in this case, he also suggests the companies buying the fragrance to take the risk to change the taste. If they succeeds by implementing that, then our formula is a hit.
He told that he has extensively trained under his father. When he was in University, he used to watch production with his father. His father pushed him into production rather than company’s finance, marketing. The quality checking, smelling and feeling the aroma. His father would always say that smell the fragrance and feel it in your mind. Feel it, keep in mind and recognize it. Bharat worked with him in production for 4 years. Earlier, during childhood, his father used to make some new fragrance, then he used to bring it to the house and would ask Bharat smell it and tell what you are feeling.
Bharat Arora said that this is the reason why he is able to do better today. This is how he developed the ability to smell and understand. Today by smelling the raw material, he understand what new things he can do with it. He said that making fragrance is a work of art. Like an artist’s play. Today, not only me but the entire fragrance industry is running on the path shown by my father. Sachee has the ability to create a special fragrance. We change the taste. There is constant research going on in Sachee. We develop new fragrances and then that becomes the trend.
On the rising cost of raw materials, he said that his customers are mostly big and multinational companies. Therefore, the contracts are done in advance for the year at the ongoing rate. Similarly, raw material are also purchased in advance for the year. During this period, if there are fluctuations in the market due to any reason, then it is also estimated. He makes every effort that his customers are not affected by the rising prices and if a situation arises then he he manages. He said that buying goods in bulk in advance keeps most of such issues at bay. Currently, the prices of solvents and petroleum have increased. Ukraine-Russia war has also made a difference. The better change is that unlike in the past, some of the raw material which we used to import, are now produced in the country at cheap prices.
In the end Bharat Arora concluded that ten years ago today my father as per his vision had said that the fragrance industry will grow 20 times and it did and today I can forecast that according to the trends coming in, the fragrance industry will grow 40 times more.
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